Poverty is a condition attributed to individuals who are unable to meet their basic needs, which include all the necessities required for human survival. It reflects the prevailing standard of living in a community and affects many aspects of life. Poverty leads to reduced education levels in society, poor health, and inability to work, as well as higher rates of vandalism and disorder within the community.
Achievements of Al-Noor College in the Goal of Eradicating Poverty:
1- قام فريق من الجامعة بتوزيع سلات غذائية على العوائل الفقيرة والمتعففة في عدة احياء من مدينة الموصل.(click here)
2- وحدة تمكين المرأة في الجامعة تزور دار رعاية كبار السن في الموصل.(click here)
3- تجهيز 170 طفل بكسوة العيد.(click here)
4. The college offered scholarships to 43 students from the Pharmacy and Dentistry departments.
5. Assisted the residents of Hamdaniya and provided aid following the tragic fire at the Al-Heitham Hall.(click here)

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